Future Parents
Frequently Asked Questions

Egg Bank Canada screens out women with medical and social backgrounds that are deemed unsuitable, focusing on healthy candidates without familial genetic issues that could be inherited by a child.

If your chosen donor has a history of donation at another clinic, their records will be made available to your doctor for review and approval during the selection process. However, exceptions may occur if there's a genetic mismatch between you/your partner and the donor. In such cases, Egg Bank Canada will provide a free rematch.

While we conduct thorough screening of our donors, unforeseen medical issues may arise later in life, necessitating the exchange of information. Legal agreements create a documented record for both the Egg Donor and intended parents, enabling communication if a medical situation arises.

Women donate out of a desire to assist couples in their journey towards parenthood.

Donors undergo thorough counseling about the egg retrieval procedure, including potential risks and complications. Additionally, each selected donor undergoes a psychological evaluation conducted by a psychologist, who provides a written report assessing her mental suitability for donation.

Egg Bank Canada acts on behalf of the Future Parents to establish an account for reimbursing the donor for psychological, genetic, and legal services related to the Donor Contract. We offer ongoing support, supervision, and communication throughout this process, assisting the donor as needed to fulfill her responsibilities.

Considering the significance of ethnicity, body type, and lifestyle in donor selection, Egg Bank Canada offers donors from diverse backgrounds who are eager to assist Future Parents.

Egg Bank Canada will communicate with your donor to assess their comfort level with the request. We'll inform you of the donor's preference, and you can then determine the next steps. If you've already established an anonymous donor agreement, it may need to be revised accordingly. We'll also facilitate any agreed-upon contact between you and the donor.

Donors have already undergone their egg retrieval process and cannot be retested.

Donors are required to provide personal and family history by completing our questionnaire. This information, along with photographs of the donor, is shared with Future Parents to aid in their donor selection process.

The total cost varies. For a detailed breakdown of fees, please refer to our Fee Schedule.

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